Local SEO Checklist 2023 – Improve Your Local Search Rankings

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Provide accurate data on your Google listing

A detailed GMB listing can help users pick your business over competitors.

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Select Business Categories Carefully

Pick the right main & additional categories to rank for more search keywords.

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Setup Google Webmasters

Webmasters will help keep track of your site’s search performance.

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Setup Google Analytics

Google Analytics can help you analyze your website’s data better.

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Develop a mobile-friendly website

Google’s algorithm ranks mobile-first sites higher.

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Optimize title tags

Your title tags need to be concise with keywords you want to rank for.

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Structure your URLs

Clean and simple URLs are more SEO-friendly.

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Optimize your images

Heavy images can make your site slow-to-load.

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optimize your navigation menu

Items on your navigation menu should be made indexable.

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feature complete location data

Have a Contact Us page featuring the NAP of all your business locations.

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Use structured data markup

Adding schema markup to your website improves SEO.

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Pay Attention To XML Sitemap

XML sitemaps make it easier for Google to find your site’s pages & also improve SEO.

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Setup 301 Redirects

Use 301 redirects to point traffic to new URLs or domains.

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